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My English teacher is a Miss who is a pretty woman,more important,she often dresses so sexy.

It's obvious that we all like or love her very very much..

Hehe.....I really didn't know I attend her lecture,to get knowledge or to stare at her..[em21]

Generally speaking,I wanted to reach her heart occasionally,but I failed eventually,however,I've never given up my idea...em07]

When I saw her,I would refresh even I have been played basketball....

So I schedule for F with her in the next semester...

All of you should bless me ..Thank you very much..



以下是引用粒粒糖在2004-3-10 15:07:42的发言:
we must say english in class

he~~It should be"we must speak English in class."


My English teacher is a man His English is very good we must say english in class


hahaha``` Try try try again,and you 'll get it !!


my english teacher is a lovely , kind miss . all my classmates like she very much ~ 好不习惯打英文哦~
[IMG][/IMG] 我會發著呆 然後忘記你 接著緊緊閉上眼 想著那一天 會有人代替 讓我不再想念你 我會發著呆 然後微微笑 接著緊緊閉上眼 又想了一遍 你溫柔的臉 在我忘記之前


My English teacher comes from the USA...... He is a lovely,kind ,handsome teacher,,,All of us like him very much ... But now he has gone,,,he is in Shanghai now..He said that he wanted to go to many many places to teach English... I miss him so much ...Luckly,,we 're good friends ,,we can send message to each other...
[img]http://city.6to23.com/autopostimg/2004329935520211020910.gif[/img] 花开不是为了花落 而是为了灿烂...


Yes.. Every one may have his(her) own opinion. But my friends(classmates) all around me don't like her at all !


i see~but i like her very much...



以下是引用lonelybaby在2004-2-7 1946的发言:
你也是miss 枼的學生?我也是啊!

Yes.. 初中时是的.. 但现在终于逃出她的魔掌了! I don't like her at all. [em15]


以下是引用o6漷虢郳9o在2004-2-6 2110的发言:
哈``你是河中的吗?... 这个MISS好象我们初中时的MISS叶宁哦!是她吧?``
你也是miss 枼的學生?我也是啊!


