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    Holding you A young air force officer had a very beautiful wife.Early each morning he left his house and went to the airport,and an hour later his wife always left the house too,with a big white towel,and went for a walk on the beach. Her husband always flew over every morning, and when she saw his aeroplane,she held the white towel high above her head.When her husband saw it,he made either the left wing or the right wing of his aeroplane go down.The left wing meant, ‘I will be busy tonight and won‘t be home.‘the right wing meant ‘In eight hours I will be holding you in my arms.‘ One morning he flew over with eight other aeroplanes,and his left wing went down.Before his wife had time to feel sad about this,all the other aeroplanes flew over,and each one of them turned its right wing down.  
    一个年轻的空军军官有个非常漂亮的妻子。每天一大早他就离家去飞机场。他妻子总是一小时后出门,带着一条大白毛巾,到海滩山散步。 她丈夫每天早上总在天上飞过。当她看见他的飞机,她就把白毛巾高高的举过头顶。她丈夫看到后,就垂下飞机的左翼或右翼。左翼意味着“今晚我很忙,不回家。”右翼表示“八小时后我将拥抱你。” 一天早晨她与其他八架飞机飞过,她飞机的左翼垂下来。还没等他妻子来得及为此感到沮丧时,其他飞机飞过来了,每架飞机都垂下了它的右翼。

[发帖际遇]: 懐かしみます玩宠物乐园, 获得宝石2粒.


