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ミ∩_∩ミ超亼気のHello Kitty *好嘚意*

Hello Kitty was born on November 1st and she lives in London,

England with her parents and her twin sister, Mimmy.

They have lots of friends at school with whom they share many adventures.

Her hobbies include traveling, music, reading, eating yummy cookies her sister Mimmy bakes, and best of all making new friends.

As Hello Kitty always says, you can never have too many friends.


here are some Hello Kitty's new stuff..

Charmmy Kitty is in her regal tiara ready to make her next appearance! Lovely pearl bags and room items with rose accents are just a few of the items that will make you feel like a princess!

Charmmy Kitty is Hello Kitty's pet cat. A silky soft Persian with charm to spare, she makes her debut on this cute line with her sweet little hamster pal, Sugar.

It's Froolie Mew, the fluffiest and most fashionable feline in town! Shes ready to go with you on your next outing!

Hello Kitty has everything you need to make your room cool!

Hello Kitty Strawberry is too sweet!

Kitty will come to see you on a sunny day with her parasol!



Hello Kitty's family and friends:





Ashley Judd







超级可爱!Hello Kitty版数码摄像机

其实说白了也就是在NHJ的一台普通型号为“Che-ez! v:u2”的DV上印上了漂亮的Hello Kitty图案,来抢夺小MM的眼球。不过,它的功能并不弱哦,拥有321万像素的CMOS,配备了1.4英寸的LCD及4倍数码变焦,可录制320 x 240(20fps)或640 x 480(30fps)的动态MP4影像,存储介质是SD卡(最大支持256的SD卡,似乎小了点)。录制后用户还可直接在电视中即时浏览所拍摄的内容,一般的家庭拍摄已经足够。12800日元(约合人民币950元)的价钱真不算贵,送给小女儿作为礼物相当棒哦。G]



Hello Kitty MP3



全球限量版的OKWAP A267 Hello Kitty手机。这款手机是为了纪念Hello Kitty三十周年而推出,有粉红、红色两种可供选择,全球各限量2000部。

A267 的 Hello Kitty内容,里外都丰富。在外壳上,A267 以蝴蝶结为主题,分别以代表 70 年代复古情怀的经典红色及象征幸福洋溢的粉红色,推出两种不同的外型设计。不仅只有手机正面可以看到 Hello Kitty,连手机的背面电池上也有 Hello Kitty 的图案,相信都可让 Kitty 迷们爱不释手。为了让 Kitty 迷们更贴近 Kitty,从 A267 手机一进入主选单,每个选项都可看到 Hello Kitty不同表情的可爱图标,就连每页的背景画面都有 Hello Kitty 的倩影。

≈☆ Hello Kitty ~ 包包 ~图图 ☆~


