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从前爱日记页页都是你 今天努力撕毫无怀念那余地 杜绝前事再回魂杜绝怀念你 莫非分到一吻后就终身都要记得你 损毁的可以再修理爱错却没法背得起 小心的剪接我的戏遇上你那段戏 ______六楼后座


毛毛公仔 从前极度美丽 不过人大个了 抱它不够实际 从前温室 原来竟这样贵 现在要喊 谁为我解围 谁在呵护安慰 * 从前曾习惯不停叫 爸爸妈妈 一个人倦了总想到家 何时又再坐再臂内 抱我饮茶 原来大个了要很高代价 # 为何还做我的妈妈 如老友好吗 请顾问细诉我要怎么找到他 挨世界 好玩吗 人情世故 凶险吧 求你告诉我不算可怕



right here waiting written by richard marx from the cd "repeat offender" oceans apart day after day and i slowly go insane i hear your voice on the line but it doesn't stop the pain if i see you next to never how can we say forever wherever you go whatever you do i will be right here waiting for you whatever it takes or how my heart breaks i took for granted, all the times that i though would last somehow i hear the laughter, i taste the tears but i can't get near you now oh, can't you see it baby you've got me goin' crazy i wonder how we can survive this romance but in the end if i'm with you i'll take the chance waiting for you






you have appeared in my dream since you had gone... but disappeared when I waked up... than I cried... I feel heavy now ... miss you .miss you so much..




you have appeared in my dream since you had gone... but disappeared when I waked up... than I cried... I feel heavy now ... miss you .miss you so much..


会有那么一天 - 林俊杰 1943世界大战,阿麽年轻的时候,爷爷爱她那么多,他们感情很深,但是爷爷,身负重任,就在离乡的那一夜,给了阿麽一个吻,轻声说道我要离去,别再哭泣,不要伤心,请你相信我,要等待我的爱陪你永不离开,因为会有那么一天,我们牵着手在草原,听鸟儿歌唱的声音,听我说声我爱你.夕阳西下,鸟儿回家,阿麽躺在病床上,呼吸有一点散漫,眼神却很温柔.看着爷爷湿透的眼握着他粗糙的手,阿麽泪水开始流,轻声说道我要离去,别再哭泣,不要伤心,请你相信我,要等待我的爱陪你永不离开,因为会有那么一天,我们牵着手在草原,听鸟儿歌唱的声音,听我说声我爱你.
我要离去 别再哭泣 不要伤心 请你相信我 要等待我的爱陪你永不离开


你有一只会说话的眼睛 你有善解人意的心 不知天高地厚的我 你的微笑总是让我为你著迷 你有一只深情的眼睛 你有融化冰雪的魔力 从来不敢奢求的我 你的美丽总是让我躲不过去 什么原因你的画像总挥之不去 我的世界什么时候 开始昼夜难分翻天覆地来去都是因为想你 喔...偷偷的爱上你 却不敢告诉你 因为我知道我给不到你要的东西 喔...只能偷偷的想你 只能偷偷看著你 总是没勇气总说不出我是真的爱上你[em07]
我要离去 别再哭泣 不要伤心 请你相信我 要等待我的爱陪你永不离开


(梁)离开这一刻感觉不会忘记 朋友抱拥告别明天各自远飞 难得并没伤感依依不舍顾虑 重拾昨天乐趣一堆 (郑)曾经每一天相约找美丽去 陶醉美的故事互相勉励去追 曾经望着天空一起哭泣至睡 临别说起亦笑相对 (梁)别了依然相信以后有缘再聚 未曾重遇以前要珍惜爱自己 在最好时刻分离不要流眼泪 就承诺在某年某一天某地点再见 (合)today while rhe blossoms still cling to the vine i'll taste your strawberries i'll drink your sweet wine a million tomorrows shall all pass away are we forget all the joy that is ours today (郑)别了依然相信以后有缘再聚 未曾重遇以前要珍惜爱自己 在最好时刻分离不要流眼泪 就承诺在某年某一天某地点 (合)别了依然相信以后有缘再聚 未曾重遇以前要珍惜爱自己 在最好时刻分离不要流眼泪 就承诺在某年某一天某地点再见 [em17]
我要离去 别再哭泣 不要伤心 请你相信我 要等待我的爱陪你永不离开


以下是引用愛過流星在2004-7-15 353的发言:


right here waiting written by richard marx from the cd "repeat offender" oceans apart day after day and i slowly go insane i hear your voice on the line but it doesn't stop the pain if i see you next to never how can we say forever wherever you go whatever you do i will be right here waiting for you whatever it takes or how my heart breaks i took for granted, all the times that i though would last somehow i hear the laughter, i taste the tears but i can't get near you now oh, can't you see it baby you've got me goin' crazy i wonder how we can survive this romance but in the end if i'm with you i'll take the chance waiting for you



RigHt  heRe  wAItiNg   fOr   sOMeoNe...

