<P><FONT color=#f70997>cheesy (质量)低劣的;下等的 <BR><BR> 英解:shoddy, lacking in taste <BR><BR> “cheesy”这个字通常用来形容一件东西的“品味”和“质感”不高,不仅不符合一般人的审美观念,而且给人一种“廉价”、“低俗”的感觉。 <BR><BR> A:Hey, where did you get those sunglasses? They are so cheesy! <BR><BR> 喂,你从哪儿弄来那副太阳眼镜?真劣质! <BR><BR> B:I bought them in a flea market. They only cost me three bucks. <BR><BR> 我在跳蚤市场买的。这副眼镜才花了我三块美金。 <BR></FONT><BR> <BR><BR> <FONT color=#573cc4>make a mental note 铭记在心 <BR><BR> 英解:to make an effort to store something in your memory so that you will not forget <BR><BR> “Make/take a note of”是“把……记下来”的意思。而“make a mental note”就像是“在心里做笔记”,换句话说,也就是把重要的事情铭记在心。 <BR><BR> A:Remember to return my book tomorrow. You’ve borrowed it for almost a month. <BR><BR> 记得明天把书还给我。我已经借了快一个月了。 <BR><BR> B:Sorry. I’ll make a mental note of it. <BR><BR> 对不起。我会牢记在心的。 <BR></FONT><BR> <BR><BR> a light bulb goes on 灵光乍现 <BR><BR> 英解:a sudden understanding or idea <BR><BR> 英文用“电灯泡突然亮了起来”来形容人灵光乍现,一分钟前还想不到的答案,突然间浮现在脑海里的意思。 <BR><BR> A:How did you figure out the answer to the math question? <BR><BR> 这个数学习题的答案你是怎么想出来的? <BR><BR> B:A light bulb just went on. I’d suddenly remembered something the teacher said in class. <BR><BR> 我灵光乍现,突然想起老师在课堂上说过的一个东西。 <BR><BR> </P><P><FONT color=#f73809>money to burn 花不完的钱 <BR><BR> 英解:lots of money <BR><BR> 英文用“money to burn”来比喻一个人的钱多到花不完,就连把钞票拿来烧都不在乎。 <BR><BR> A:I heard Bill bought another Porche recently. I don’t get why he wants so many cars. <BR><BR> 我听说比尔最近又买了一辆保时捷。我真搞不懂他要那么多车子干嘛。 <BR><BR> B:Yeah, it seems that he has money to burn. <BR><BR> 对啊,他好像有花不完的钱似的。 <BR> <BR> <BR></FONT> <BR></P>